13November 2021

Hygiene in Day to day Life

Hygiene and cleanliness are most important aspects of everyone’s lives. As per the definition of hygiene, it’s the principle of maintaining cleanliness and thereby, a good health. It helps us to look fresh, reduces possible growth of diseases and enhances inner self- confidence.

In the COVID-19 pandemic, we all somewhere realised why hygiene is important but have we implemented it totally? Continue to know the 10 possible ways to maintain hygiene in day-to-day life.


Frequent hand wash

It is one of the best way to avoid transmission of diseases. Washing hands before and after food, after coming in contact with a person who’s sick, after using washrooms, etc.

As per guidelines, soap must be scrubbed for about 20-30 seconds to achieve effective results. Sanitizers can be used as alternative.



Bathing removes the layer of dust and pollution settling on our skin, also removes the layer of dead cells. Our skin acts as physical barrier to many type of diseases and this natural barrier does requires hygiene and cleansing action.


Brushing Teeths

When it comes to hygiene, it’s not just about skin related. Brushing twice a day that is in morning & night time respectively, regular dental checkups, mouth cleansing after eating foods, proper gargling, every little stuff should be followed to keep good oral hygiene.


Proper Nails

Nails constitute of dead sells and the pores are the place which can easily get infected. Cleaning & proper trimming can take reduce the possible infections & hangnails.


Clean Clothes

Dirty clothes increases the risk of bacterial attacks which can lead to skin irritations, bad odour and skin related issues. The best solution is washing them with a detergent followed by drying them immediately upon rinsing.


Cover Your Mouth while sneezing and Coughing

It’s not only about personal hygiene but the individual next to you should also be taken care of. Covering mouth helps in avoiding spread of diseases.


Restful Sleep

Body requires sleep to function on normal basis. 7 to 9 hours of sleep is recommended for every adult to function without any complications.



When we talk about personal hygiene, proper food intake, metabolism time period, exercise, sleep, mental stress everything comes in it. A strict routine can help reduce stress and better outcomes.


Routine Doctor Checkup

Many a times, even after maintaining all hygiene parameters, we never know what disease can outgrow within us. People’s lives are important and the care should be taken by individual and constant follow ups are thus required. Fast diagnosis and accurate treatment can be easily obtained then.


Wear Masks

Masks are a necessity even if coronavirus fades away. Masks filters the air we’re breathing in, also avoids major route of transmission. The masks are of different price ranges but then even the simplest one can prove much efficiency.


To conclude, personal hygiene are a necessity in today’s world and COVID-19 somewhere is constantly trying to help us in realisation of the same. Let’s just stay clean and avoid all types of procrastination to save ourself.


20September 2021

The Ways & Importance Of Educating Kids To Wear Masks

Masks have been our lifesavers for more than a year, and we are probably never going to say goodbye to them in the nearest future. But, instead of looking at the changed circumstances with a grim note, we should adapt ourselves to the new normal. Still, our responsibility does not end right there.

There will always be kids in every one of our lives, whether they are our daughters/sons, relatives, neighbours, etc, and it is in our hands to guide them through this unpredictable period.

It is understandable that if you are facing challenges in getting the kids to wear masks. They cannot always stay at home and you may not be able to look after them all the time. Also, the schools are going to resume their functions, and when it happens, you can never be sure that the kids will keep them on even if you manage to make them wear.

No amount of anger or threatening can make them do so. Therefore, this article is about getting them to wear it in the right way.


Making Them Understand

If you are a parent that prefers to command the kids into doing something, you are probably in the wrong millennium. But, it is also not always easy to explain everything to them. So, use your creativity to get this job done. Before taking an initiative for this purpose, it is important to know the understanding level of the kids.

You can build plays, stories, or rhymes that can adequately get the message through to them. This is also a better way to teach them just about anything and not just the masks.


Relating To Them

Children are extremely smart and therefore the way you present something to them can make a lasting impression on them, for better or worse. So, it is important for you not to demonize the mask if you want them to wear it as expected. Try not to threaten them with the impact of not wearing a mask and instead, teach them the importance of wearing one.

For instance, telling a child to wear shoes outside the house so that their feet would always be clean and comfortable will have a different response than telling them to wear them after a lecture about all the unclean stuff and the potential harms. The problem with making a negative approach is that sometimes it triggers the kids to do the exact opposite.


Personalizing The Masks

The mask industries are doing their best efforts to support you in this process by making attractive masks that can impress children. But, you have to be careful not to compromise the capacity for the sake of attractiveness when it comes to masks. To be on the safer side, choose multi-layered surgical masks and decorate them for a bit of personalization. If you can make them feel attached to it, and to feel that it looks good on them, your work is necessarily done.


25June 2020

Mask – The Silent Lifeguard

Masks and sanitisers came in handy with our struggles in the last year. But, did the majority of the population notice them before it was too late? The answer is a resounding no. Especially in India, people who wore masks in the last decade were prejudiced as weak or sick individuals.

Masks were used even lesser in comparison to sanitisers and they were unofficially categorized for use only within hospital premises. Even at some hospitals, it was merely a formality to keep them. Some were even known to re-use surgical masks, which destroys the whole purpose of using them in the first place.


“Prevention is better than cure” is more than just a proverb. The world is not the same as it was once. It is constantly changing for a while now and though our bodies fight to adapt, they were not evidently successful enough. The rise in global population has only made the situation worse in terms of health, hygiene, lifestyle and the environment.

To quote another famous proverb “Necessity is the mother of Invention”, masks were a result of such rising global necessity. Instead, they were neglected by the majority of us, merely because of our lack of awareness. Relying completely on our body’s capacity to fight the unidentified foes in the atmosphere around would cost us a terrible price.


So, is it enough to wear just about any mask? Well, something is better than nothing. But, clearly, it is not everything. New dangers come knocking on our doors every year and even with our technological advancements, we end up taking quite the beating before getting back up. The air is not getting cleaner by the day and the air purifiers can only help us inside our living compounds.

The new age inhabitants seem to have allergies that we had never experienced in our communities before. So, just about any mask wouldn’t do the trick. Among the masks that are available in the market, 3 to 4 Layers, Non-Woven or Melt-Blown Surgical & Face Masks or N-95 Masks are found to be reliable when it comes to defending ourselves against not only harmful microbes but also dust, fog, pollen and other potential allergy-inducing components out in the environment.


If we all had enough masks and sanitisers to help each one of us and if we all were smart enough to take the precautions before it was too late, a crisis would have been averted. We could have also considerably minimized the casualties on a global scale. Our neglect had not just affected us, but it took a toll on the kids and elders who were rendered defenceless against a powerful nemesis.

It is no use in lingering over the past mistakes but if we don’t learn from them, our sufferings would become an annual event. So, we must take it upon ourselves to hope for the best but always prepare for the worst. Masks and sanitisers are maybe our only shields against the imminent dangers that may or may not come in the future and adapting them into your lifestyle is wise, to say the least.